Package-level declarations
list of the available supported platforms
provides information about the current device where the application is running. This information is related to the platform and the specific details that the platform offers.
provides information about the current device where the application is running. This information is related to the platform and the specific details that the platform offers.
provides information about the current device where the application is running. This information is related to the platform and the specific details that the platform offers.
provides information about the current device where the application is running. This information is related to the platform and the specific details that the platform offers.
provides information about the current device where the application is running. This information is related to the platform and the specific details that the platform offers.รน
Method to display different contents based on the current platform where this method has been invoked
Method to execute different actions based on the current platform where this method has been invoked
Method to remember during the recomposition the current status of a KInfoState instance
Method to remember during the recomposition the current status of a KInfoState instance
Method to remember during the recomposition the current status of a KInfoState instance
Method to remember during the recomposition the current status of a KInfoState instance
Method to remember during the recomposition the current status of a KInfoState instance