Package-level declarations


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class InternetProtocolStatsImpl(val internetProtocolStatsInfo: InternetProtocolStats) : InternetProtocolStats

InternetProtocolStatsImpl Implements the InternetProtocolStats interface to provide details about the network protocol statistics, including TCP and UDP statistics for both IPv4 and IPv6, as well as active IP connections.

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class IPConnectionImpl(    val type: String,     val localAddress: ByteArray,     val localPort: Int,     val foreignAddress: ByteArray,     val foreignPort: Int,     val state: TcpState,     val transmitQueue: Int,     val receiveQueue: Int,     val owningProcessId: Int) : IPConnection

IPConnectionImpl Implementation of the IPConnection interface. This class represents an active IP connection, providing details about the connection's state, local and foreign addresses, ports, and associated process information.

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class NetworkParamsImpl(networkParamsInfo: NetworkParams) : NetworkParams

NetworkParamsImpl Implementation of the NetworkParams interface. This class provides details about the network parameters of the device, including host name, domain name, DNS servers, and default gateways for IPv4 and IPv6.

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class TcpStatsImpl(    val connectionsEstablished: Long,     val connectionsActive: Long,     val connectionsPassive: Long,     val connectionFailures: Long,     val connectionsReset: Long,     val segmentsSent: Long,     val segmentsReceived: Long,     val segmentsRetransmitted: Long,     val inErrors: Long,     val outResets: Long) : TcpStats

TcpStatsImpl Implementation of the TcpStats interface, providing statistics related to TCP connections, such as the number of established connections, errors, and sent/received segments.

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class UdpStatsImpl(val datagramsSent: Long, val datagramsReceived: Long, val datagramsNoPort: Long, val datagramsReceivedErrors: Long) : UdpStats

UdpStatsImpl Implementation of the UdpStats interface. This class provides the statistics for the UDP protocol, including the number of datagrams sent and received, as well as any errors or datagrams with no port.