Package-level declarations


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class OSProcessImpl(    val name: String,     val path: String,     val commandLine: String,     val arguments: List<String>,     val environmentVariables: Map<String, String>,     val currentWorkingDirectory: String,     val user: String,     val userId: String,     val group: String,     val groupId: String,     val state: State,     val processId: Int,     val parentProcessId: Int,     val threadCount: Int,     val priority: Int,     val virtualSize: Long,     val residentSetSize: Long,     val kernelTime: Long,     val userTime: Long,     val startTime: Long,     val bytesRead: Long,     val bytesWritten: Long,     val openFiles: Long,     val softOpenFileLimit: Long,     val hardOpenFileLimit: Long,     val processCpuLoadCumulative: Double,     val processCpuLoadBetweenTicks: Double,     val bitness: Int,     val affinityMask: Long,     val updateAttributes: Boolean,     val threadDetails: List<OSThread>,     val minorFaults: Long,     val majorFaults: Long,     val contextSwitches: Long) : OSProcess

OSProcessImpl The implementation of the OSProcess interface. This class provides details about a specific process in the operating system, including its name, ID, state, resource usage, and various performance metrics.

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class OSThreadImpl(    val threadId: Int,     val name: String,     val state: State,     val threadCpuLoadCumulative: Double,     val threadCpuLoadBetweenTicks: Double,     val owningProcessId: Int,     val startMemoryAddress: Long,     val contextSwitches: Long,     val minorFaults: Long,     val majorFaults: Long,     val kernelTime: Long,     val userTime: Long,     val upTime: Long,     val startTime: Long,     val priority: Int,     val updateAttributes: Boolean) : OSThread

OSThreadImpl Provides the implementation of the OSThread interface, representing a thread of an operating system process, including details about its execution, resource usage, and associated metadata.