Package-level declarations


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class HWDiskStoreImpl(    val name: String,     val model: String,     val serial: String,     val size: Long,     val reads: Long,     val readBytes: Long,     val writes: Long,     val writesBytes: Long,     val currentQueueLength: Long,     val transferTime: Long,     val partitions: List<HWPartition>,     val timestamp: Long,     val updateAttributes: Boolean) : HWDiskStore

Implementation of the HWDiskStore interface. This class provides details about a disk or storage device in the system, including the disk's model, serial number, size, read/write statistics, partitions, and other attributes.

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class HWPartitionImpl(    val identification: String,     val name: String,     val type: String,     val uuid: String,     val size: Long,     val major: Int,     val minor: Int,     val mountPoint: String) : HWPartition

Implementation of the HWPartition interface. This class provides details about a hardware partition on a storage device, including the partition's identification, name, type, UUID, size, major/minor numbers, and mount point.

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class LogicalVolumeGroupImpl(    val name: String,     val physicalVolumes: Set<String>,     val logicalVolumes: Map<String, Set<String>>) : LogicalVolumeGroup

LogicalVolumeGroupImpl is an implementation of the LogicalVolumeGroup interface. This class provides concrete details about a logical volume group, including the name, physical volumes, and logical volumes mapped to physical volumes.