Implementation of the NetworkIF
interface. This class provides details about the network interface, including its name, operational status, MAC address, IP addresses, and network statistics like bytes and packets sent/received, errors, and collisions.
The name of the network interface (e.g., "eth0", "wlan0")
The index of the network interface
The display name of the network interface
The alias for the network interface (optional)
The operational status of the network interface (e.g., up, down)
The Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) for the network interface
The MAC address of the network interface
The IPv4 addresses assigned to the network interface
The subnet masks for the IPv4 addresses
The IPv6 addresses assigned to the network interface
The prefix lengths for the IPv6 addresses
The type of network interface (e.g., Ethernet, Wi-Fi)
The type of physical medium (e.g., wired, wireless)
Indicates whether a connector is present on the interface
The total number of bytes received by the interface
The total number of bytes sent by the interface
The total number of packets received by the interface
The total number of packets sent by the interface
The total number of incoming errors on the interface
The total number of outgoing errors on the interface
The total number of incoming packets dropped by the interface
The total number of collisions detected on the interface
The speed of the network interface in bits per second
The timestamp indicating when the network interface statistics were last updated
Indicates whether the MAC address is known to belong to a virtual machine
Indicates whether the attributes of the network interface should be updated
See also
Method to query the source network interface