
interface HWDiskStore

HWDiskStore represents information about a disk or storage device in the system. It provides details about the disk's model, serial number, size, read/write statistics, partitions, and other attributes.






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abstract val currentQueueLength: Long

currentQueueLength The current length of the disk's I/O request queue.

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abstract val model: String

model The model name of the disk (e.g., "Samsung SSD 860").

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abstract val name: String

name The name or identifier of the disk (e.g., "sda", "disk0").

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abstract val partitions: List<HWPartition>

partitions A list of partitions on the disk.

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abstract val readBytes: Long

readBytes The number of bytes read from the disk.

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abstract val reads: Long

reads The number of read operations performed on the disk.

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abstract val serial: String

serial The serial number of the disk.

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abstract val size: Long

size The total size of the disk (in bytes).

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abstract val timestamp: Long

timestamp The timestamp when the disk information was last updated.

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abstract val transferTime: Long

transferTime The time (in milliseconds) spent transferring data for I/O operations.

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updateAttributes A flag indicating whether the disk's attributes should be updated.

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abstract val writes: Long

writes The number of write operations performed on the disk.

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abstract val writesBytes: Long

writesBytes The number of bytes written to the disk.