
interface OSProcess

OSProcess represents a process in the operating system. It provides details about the process, including its name, ID, state, resources usage, and more.






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abstract val affinityMask: Long

affinityMask The CPU affinity mask for the process.

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abstract val arguments: List<String>

arguments The arguments passed to the process when it was started.

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abstract val bitness: Int

bitness The bitness of the process (e.g., 32-bit, 64-bit).

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abstract val bytesRead: Long

bytesRead The number of bytes read by the process.

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abstract val bytesWritten: Long

bytesWritten The number of bytes written by the process.

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abstract val commandLine: String

commandLine The full command line that was used to start the process.

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abstract val contextSwitches: Long

contextSwitches The number of context switches for the process.

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currentWorkingDirectory The current working directory of the process.

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environmentVariables A map of environment variables used by the process.

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abstract val group: String

group The group associated with the process.

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abstract val groupId: String

groupId The ID of the group associated with the process.

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abstract val hardOpenFileLimit: Long

hardOpenFileLimit The hard limit on the number of files the process can open.

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abstract val kernelTime: Long

kernelTime The amount of time the process has spent in kernel mode, in milliseconds.

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abstract val majorFaults: Long

majorFaults The number of major page faults for the process.

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abstract val minorFaults: Long

minorFaults The number of minor page faults for the process.

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abstract val name: String

name The name of the process (e.g., "java", "nginx").

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abstract val openFiles: Long

openFiles The number of open files used by the process.

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abstract val parentProcessId: Int

parentProcessId The process ID of the parent process.

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abstract val path: String

path The path to the executable of the process.

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abstract val priority: Int

priority The priority of the process.

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processCpuLoadBetweenTicks The CPU load of the process between two ticks, as a percentage.

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processCpuLoadCumulative The cumulative CPU load of the process as a percentage.

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abstract val processId: Int

processId The unique identifier for the process.

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abstract val residentSetSize: Long

residentSetSize The resident set size of the process, in bytes (physical memory used).

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abstract val softOpenFileLimit: Long

softOpenFileLimit The soft limit on the number of files the process can open.

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abstract val startTime: Long

startTime The time when the process started, in milliseconds since the Unix epoch.

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abstract val state: State

state The state of the process (e.g., running, sleeping).

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abstract val threadCount: Int

threadCount The number of threads in the process.

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abstract val threadDetails: List<OSThread>

threadDetails The list of threads associated with the process.

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updateAttributes A flag indicating whether the process attributes should be updated.

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abstract val user: String

user The user running the process.

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abstract val userId: String

userId The ID of the user running the process.

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abstract val userTime: Long

userTime The amount of time the process has spent in user mode, in milliseconds.

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abstract val virtualSize: Long

virtualSize The virtual memory size of the process, in bytes.