
interface Hardware

The Hardware interface represents the hardware components of a system. It provides details about the computer system, processors, memory, storage devices, network interfaces, displays, sensors, and more. This interface is useful for obtaining comprehensive hardware information for monitoring or diagnostics.






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centralProcessor The details of the system's central processor (CPU), including information like cores, speed, and usage.

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computerSystem The details of the computer system, including manufacturer, model, and firmware.

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abstract val diskStores: List<HWDiskStore>

diskStores A list of disk storage devices, including information on disk usage, size, and read/write operations.

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abstract val displays: List<Display>

displays A list of display devices connected to the system (e.g., monitors).

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globalMemory The details about the system's global memory, including total size, available memory, and page size.

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graphicsCards A list of graphics cards available on the system.

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logicalVolumeGroups A list of logical volume groups configured on the system.

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abstract val networkIFs: List<NetworkIF>

networkIFs A list of network interfaces on the system, including details such as IP addresses, speed, and state.

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powerSources A list of power sources available to the system (e.g., battery, AC power).

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abstract val sensors: Sensors

sensors The details of system sensors (e.g., temperature, fan speed, and voltage).

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abstract val soundCards: List<SoundCard>

soundCards A list of sound cards available on the system.


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abstract fun getNetworkIfs(includeLocalInterfaces: Boolean): List<NetworkIF>

Returns the list of network interfaces on the system. If includeLocalInterfaces is true, local interfaces (e.g., loopback interfaces) will also be included.

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abstract fun getUsbDevices(tree: Boolean): List<UsbDevice>

Returns the list of USB devices connected to the system. If tree is true, the devices are returned in a hierarchical tree structure.