
IosDeviceOrientationImpl is an implementation of the DeviceOrientation interface specific to iOS devices. This class retrieves the current orientation of the iOS device by accessing the window's interface orientation from the UIKit framework. It uses UIApplication.sharedApplication.connectedScenes to determine the device's orientation.

The class provides properties and methods to check whether the device is in portrait or landscape mode.


N7ghtm4r3 - Swapnil Musale


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open override val isLandscape: Boolean

isLandscape checks if the device is currently in landscape mode.

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open override val isPortrait: Boolean

isPortrait checks if the device is currently in portrait mode.

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private val windowOrientation: Int?

windowOrientation holds the current interface orientation of the first window, which is converted to an integer value.

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private val windows: List<*>

windows represents the list of windows currently active in the iOS application.


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open override fun getDeviceOrientation(): String

Method to get the current orientation of the device