
class OperatingSystemImpl(systemInfo: SystemInfo) : OperatingSystem

OperatingSystemImpl is the implementation of the OperatingSystem interface. It uses the oshi library to gather system operating information and map this information to the classes and methods provided by our API.



The object containing general information about the operating system.


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constructor(systemInfo: SystemInfo)


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open override val bitness: Int

bitness The bitness of the operating system (e.g., 32-bit, 64-bit).

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open override val currentProcess: OSProcess

currentProcess The current running process.

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open override val currentThread: OSThread

currentThread The current running thread.

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open override val family: String

family The family of the operating system (e.g., "Windows", "Linux"). This property represents the type of operating system.

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open override val fileSystem: FileSystem

fileSystem The file system information, including the list of file stores and other statistics.

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private val fileSystemInfo: OperatingSystem

A lazy-initialized property that holds the information about the operating system. This property is retrieved from the systemInfo object and represents the operating system details that include file system information, version, network statistics, and more.

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internetProtocolStats The statistics related to network protocols (TCP/UDP).

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open override val isElevated: Boolean

isElevated Indicates if the operating system is running in elevated (privileged) mode.

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open override val manufacturer: String

manufacturer The manufacturer of the operating system (e.g., "Microsoft", "Apple").

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open override val networkParams: NetworkParams

networkParams The network parameters, including hostname, DNS, gateway.

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open override val processCount: Int

processCount The number of active processes running on the system.

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open override val processId: Int

processId The ID of the current process.

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open override val services: List<OSService>

services The list of active services on the operating system.

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open override val sessions: List<OSSession>

sessions The list of user sessions active on the operating system.

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open override val systemBootTime: Long

systemBootTime The system boot time in milliseconds (UNIX timestamp).

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open override val systemUptime: Long

systemUptime The system uptime in milliseconds.

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open override val threadCount: Int

threadCount The number of threads running on the system.

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open override val threadId: Int

threadId The ID of the current thread.

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open override val versionInfo: OSVersionInfo

versionInfo The version information of the operating system.


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open override fun getOSDesktopWindows(visibleOnly: Boolean): List<OSDesktopWindow>

Retrieves the visible desktop windows of the operating system.

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open override fun getProcess(pid: Int): OSProcess

Retrieves a single process by its PID.

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open override fun getProcesses(): List<OSProcess>

Retrieves the list of all active processes on the system.

open override fun getProcesses(pids: Collection<Int>): List<OSProcess>

Retrieves the list of processes specified by their PIDs.

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private fun initOSProcess(source: OSProcess): OSProcess

Initializes an OSProcess object from an OSHI OSProcess object.

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private fun initOSThread(source: OSThread): OSThread

Initializes an OSThread object from an OSHI OSThread object.

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private fun loadOSDesktopWindows(sourceList: List<OSDesktopWindow>): List<OSDesktopWindow>

Loads a list of OSDesktopWindow objects from the provided list of oshi.software.os.OSDesktopWindow.

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private fun loadOSProcesses(sourceList: List<OSProcess>): List<OSProcess>

Loads a list of processes from a list of OSHI OSProcess objects.

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private fun loadOSServices(sourceList: List<OSService>): List<OSService>

Loads a list of services from a list of OSHI OSService objects.

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private fun loadOSSessions(sourceList: List<OSSession>): List<OSSession>

Loads a list of sessions from a list of OSHI OSSession objects.

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private fun loadOSThreads(sourceList: List<OSThread>): List<OSThread>

Loads a list of threads from a list of OSHI OSThread objects.