
class CentralProcessorImpl(val centralProcessorInfo: CentralProcessor) : CentralProcessor

CentralProcessorImpl provides an implementation of the CentralProcessor interface. This class retrieves information about the system's central processing unit (CPU), including its features, load, and performance metrics, leveraging the OSHI library.





The oshi.hardware.CentralProcessor instance used to fetch CPU details.

See also


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constructor(centralProcessorInfo: CentralProcessor)


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private val centralProcessorInfo: CentralProcessor
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open override val contextSwitches: Long

contextSwitches contains the total number of context switches that have occurred.

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open override val currentFreq: LongArray

currentFreq contains an array of current frequencies for each logical processor in hertz.

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open override val featureFlags: List<String>

featureFlags lists the CPU's supported features, such as instruction sets and extensions.

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open override val interrupts: Long

interrupts contains the total number of interrupts that have occurred.

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open override val logicalProcessorCount: Int

logicalProcessorCount provides the number of logical processors in the system.

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logicalProcessors returns a list of logical processors, each representing a core or a thread.

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open override val maxFreq: Long

maxFreq represents the maximum frequency of the processor in hertz.

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open override val physicalPackageCount: Int

physicalPackageCount returns the number of physical processor packages in the system.

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open override val physicalProcessorCount: Int

physicalProcessorCount provides the number of physical processors (cores) in the system.

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physicalProcessors provides a list of physical processors, representing the physical cores in the system.

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open override val processorCaches: List<ProcessorCache>

processorCaches returns a list of processor caches, detailing cache levels, sizes, and types.

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processorCpuLoadTicks contains an array of tick counters for each logical processor, representing the CPU load distribution.

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processorIdentifier provides detailed information about the processor, such as vendor, name, stepping, and model.

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open override val systemCpuLoadTicks: LongArray

systemCpuLoadTicks contains an array of tick counters representing system-wide CPU load.


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getProcessorCpuLoadBetweenTicks calculates the CPU load for each logical processor, based on the difference between old and current tick counters.

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open override fun getSystemCpuLoad(delay: Long): Double

getSystemCpuLoad calculates the CPU load for the system over a specified delay.

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open override fun getSystemCpuLoadBetweenTicks(oldTickets: LongArray): Double

getSystemCpuLoadBetweenTicks calculates the system's CPU load as a percentage, based on the difference between old and current tick counters.

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open override fun getSystemLoadAverage(nelem: Int): DoubleArray

getSystemLoadAverage retrieves the system's load average over a specified number of intervals.

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private fun loadLogicalProcessors(sourceList: List<CentralProcessor.LogicalProcessor>): List<LogicalProcessor>

Loads a list of logical processors with their detailed attributes.

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private fun loadPhysicalProcessors(sourceList: List<CentralProcessor.PhysicalProcessor>): List<PhysicalProcessor>

Loads a list of physical processors with their detailed attributes.

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private fun loadProcessorCache(sourceList: List<CentralProcessor.ProcessorCache>): List<ProcessorCache>

Loads a list of processor caches with their attributes such as size and type.