Package-level declarations


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class GlobalMemoryImpl(val globalMemory: GlobalMemory) : GlobalMemory

Implementation of the GlobalMemory interface. This class provides detailed information about the system's global memory, including the total memory, available memory, page size, virtual memory, and physical memory modules.

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class PhysicalMemoryImpl(    val bankLabel: String,     val capacity: Long,     val clockSpeed: Long,     val manufacturer: String,     val memoryType: String,     val partNumber: String,     val serialNumber: String) : PhysicalMemory

Implementation of the PhysicalMemory interface. This class provides detailed information about a physical memory module installed in the system, including the bank label, capacity, clock speed, manufacturer, memory type, part number, and serial number.

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class VirtualMemoryImpl(virtualMemory: VirtualMemory) : VirtualMemory

Implementation of the VirtualMemory interface. This class provides details about the virtual memory statistics of the system, including swap memory usage, virtual memory limits, and the number of swap pages.