
Implements the WebInfo interface, providing detailed web environment information such as the user agent, browser, CPU, device, engine, and operating system.

This class uses the UAParser library to parse the user agent string and extract relevant details about the user's web environment, including browser, CPU architecture, device model, engine, and operating system.



See also


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open override val browser: Browser

browser The browser information, including the browser's name and version. This value is extracted by parsing the user agent string.

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open override val cpu: CPU

cpu The CPU architecture information (e.g., x86, ARM). This value is extracted by parsing the user agent string.

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open override val device: Device

device The device information, including the model, type, and vendor. This value is extracted by parsing the user agent string.

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open override val engine: Engine

engine The engine information, including the engine's name and version (e.g., Blink, WebKit). This value is extracted by parsing the user agent string.

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open override val os: Os

os The operating system information, including the name and version (e.g., Windows, Linux, macOS). This value is extracted by parsing the user agent string.

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open override val userAgent: String

userAgent The user agent string that represents the client's web browser and system. This value is obtained from window.navigator.userAgent.


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open fun String?.safeValue(): String

Method to use a null-safe value.