
interface AndroidInfo

The AndroidInfo interface representing detailed information about an Android device and its system environment


Swapnil Musale




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abstract val androidId: String

androidId the unique Android ID of the device

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abstract val appName: String

appName the name of the application

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abstract val board: String

board the board name of the device hardware (e.g., "msm8974")

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abstract val bootloader: String

bootloader the version of the device bootloader

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abstract val device: String

device the device name (e.g., "hammerhead" for Nexus 5)

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deviceOrientation the current orientation of the device (e.g., portrait or landscape)

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abstract val display: String

display the display identifier for the build (e.g., "KOT49H")

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displayMetrics display metrics containing screen properties such as density and resolution

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abstract val fingerprint: String

fingerprint the unique identifier for the build fingerprint

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abstract val hardware: String

hardware the name of the device hardware (e.g., "qcom" for Qualcomm chipsets)

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abstract val host: String

host the host name used to build the system

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abstract val id: String

id the build ID for the software (e.g., "KTU84P")

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abstract val isDebug: Boolean

isDebug indicates whether the application is running in debug mode

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isPhysicalDevice indicates whether the device is a physical device (true) or an emulator (false)

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abstract val locale: Locale

locale the locale information of the device (e.g., "en_US")

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abstract val manufacturer: String

manufacturer the name of the device manufacturer (e.g., "Google")

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abstract val model: String

model the model name of the device (e.g., "Nexus 5")

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abstract val packageName: String

packageName the package name of the application

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abstract val product: String

product the product name of the device (e.g., "hammerhead")

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supported32BitAbis an array of supported 32-bit ABIs for the device

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supported64BitAbis an array of supported 64-bit ABIs for the device

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abstract val supportedAbis: Array<String>

supportedAbis an array of supported ABIs (Application Binary Interfaces) for the device

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systemFeatureList a list of system features available on the device

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abstract val tags: String

tags comma-separated tags associated with the build (e.g., "release", "test-keys")

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abstract val version: Version

version the version information of the application or system, encapsulated in the Version class

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VERSION_CODES an enumeration of version codes, represented by the VersionCode object

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abstract val versionCode: Long

versionCode the version code of the application or system, represented as a Long

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abstract val versionName: String

versionName the version name of the application or system (e.g., "1.0.0")