Package-level declarations
Typography -> the Pandoro's Typography
baseline -> baseline of the application
Custom background colors palette
Custom greens color palette
Custom yellows color palette
pieCharLightColors -> light colors for the PieChartColors
pieChartDarkColors -> dark colors for the PieChartColors
Sets of default dark theme colors
Sets of default light theme colors
Method to get the custom background color to use in the com.tecknobit.pandoro.ui.screens.notes.components.ChangeNoteCard based on the current theme selected
Method to get the custom green color to use based on the current theme selected
Method to apply the Pandoro theme to the content
Method to get the list of colors to use in the com.tecknobit.pandoro.ui.screens.project.components.ProjectsStats based on the current theme selected
Method to get the custom yellow color to use based on the current theme selected