Pandoro Requester
The PandoroRequester class is useful to communicate with the Pandoro's backend
N7ghtm4r3 - Tecknobit
The host where is running the Pandoro's backend
The user identifier
The user token
Method to execute the request to accept a group invitation
Method to execute the request to add a new change note to an update
Method to execute the request to add members to a group
Method to execute the request to change a role of a member of a group
Method to execute the request to mark a user's note as done
Method to execute the request to count the candidates member available
Method to execute the request to decline a group invitation
Method to execute the request to delete a changelog
Method to execute the request to delete change note of an update
Method to execute the request to delete a group
Method to execute the request to delete a user's note
Method to execute the request to delete a project of the user
Method to execute the request to delete an update
Method to execute the request to edit an existing change note of an update
Method to execute the request to edit a projects list of a group
Method to execute the request to get the groups list of the user where him/her is the author
Method to execute the request to get the projects list of the user where him/her is the author
Method to execute the request to get the candidates member for a group
Method to execute the request to get the changelogs list of the user
Method to execute the request to get the projects list of the user
Method to execute the request to get the current overview of the user
Method to execute the request to get a project of the user
Method to execute the request to get the projects list of the user
Method to execute the request to get the changelogs list of the user
Method to execute the request to leave from a group
Method to execute the request to publish an existing update of a project
Method to execute the request to read a changelog
Method to execute the request to remove a member from a group
Method to execute the request to schedule a new update for a project
Method to execute the request to start an existing update of a project
Wrapper method to execute the request to mark a change note as done
Method to execute the request to create a new group or edit an exiting group
Wrapper method to execute the request to add or edit a note