
The CreateProjectScreenViewModel provides the methods for the creation or the editing of a item


N7ghtm4r3 - Tecknobit



The identifier of the project to edit

See also



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constructor(projectId: String?)


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authoredGroups -> the list of the groups owned by the com.tecknobit.pandoro.localUser

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candidateGroups -> the list of the candidates groups where share the project

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val project: StateFlow<Project?>
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projectDescription -> the value of the description of the project

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projectDescriptionError -> whether the projectDescription field is not valid

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projectGroups -> the list of the current groups where the project is shared

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projectIcon -> the value of the icon of the project

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projectName -> the value of the name of the project

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projectNameError -> whether the projectName field is not valid

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projectRepository -> the value of the repository of the project

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projectRepositoryError -> whether the projectRepository field is not valid

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projectVersion -> the value of the version of the project

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projectVersionError -> whether the projectVersion field is not valid


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Method to manage a candidate project in the projectGroups and candidateGroups lists

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Method to retrieve the current authored groups owned by the user

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open override fun retrieveProject()

Method to retrieve the data of a Project if needed

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Method to create or editing the project invoking the correct method to execute the request to handle that operation