
data class Project(val id: String, val name: String, val icon: String? = null, val creationDate: Long, val author: PandoroUser, val description: String, val version: String, val groups: List<Group> = emptyList(), val updates: List<ProjectUpdate> = emptyList(), val projectRepo: String = "")

The Project data class allow to represent a project data


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constructor(id: String, name: String, icon: String? = null, creationDate: Long, author: PandoroUser, description: String, version: String, groups: List<Group> = emptyList(), updates: List<ProjectUpdate> = emptyList(), projectRepo: String = "")


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object Companion


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The author of the project

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val creationDate: Long

The date when the project has been created

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val description: String

The description of the project

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val groups: List<Group>

The groups where the project is shared

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val icon: String? = null

The icon of the project

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val id: String

The identifier of the project

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The name of the project

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val projectRepo: String

The repository of the project

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val updates: List<ProjectUpdate>

The list of the updates attached to the project

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val version: String

The current latest version available of the project


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Method to check whether the localUser is the author of the project

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Method to calculate the average development days spent to publish the updates of the project

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Method to calculate the total development days spent to publish the updates of the project

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Method to extract from the updates list that updates that are PUBLISHED

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fun getRepositoryPlatform(): <Error class: unknown class>?

Method to get the related platform based on the projectRepo value

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Method to check whether the project is shared with any groups