Package-level declarations


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data class Overview(val totalProjects: OverviewStatsItem, val totalUpdates: OverviewStatsItem, val updatesScheduled: OverviewFullStatsItem, val updatesInDevelopment: OverviewFullStatsItem, val updatesPublished: OverviewFullStatsItem, val developmentDays: OverviewStatsItem, val averageDevelopmentDays: OverviewStatsItem, val bestPersonalPerformanceProject: ProjectPerformanceStats? = null, val worstPersonalPerformanceProject: ProjectPerformanceStats? = null, val bestGroupPerformanceProject: ProjectPerformanceStats? = null, val worstGroupPerformanceProject: ProjectPerformanceStats? = null)

The Overview data class allow to represent a overview data

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data class OverviewFullStatsItem(val status: <Error class: unknown class>, val total: Int, val personal: Int, val personalPercentage: Double, val group: Int, val groupPercentage: Double, val byMe: Int, val byMePercentage: Double)

The OverviewFullStatsItem data class allow to represent a complete overview item data

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data class OverviewStatsItem(val total: Int, val personal: Int, val personalPercentage: Double, val group: Int, val groupPercentage: Double)

The OverviewStatsItem data class allow to represent a simple overview item data

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data class ProjectPerformanceStats(val id: String, val name: String, val updates: Int, val totalDevelopmentDays: Int, val averageDaysPerUpdate: Double)

The ProjectPerformanceStats data class allow to represent a the performance stats about a project