Groups Screen
The GroupsScreen displays the groups lists of the com.tecknobit.pandoro.localUser such his/her owned groups and the groups where him/she is a member
N7ghtm4r3 - Tecknobit
See also
Method to arrange the content of the screen to display
Method to calculated the bottom padding based on the isBottomNavigationMode flag
Method to calculated the start padding based on the isBottomNavigationMode flag
Method to collect or instantiate the states of the screen
The UI to display when, after filtering, the set of the data is empty
Custom action to execute when the androidx.compose.material3.FloatingActionButton is clicked
UI to filter the ItemsAdaptedSize list
UI to filter the ItemsInRow list
The column or grid list dynamically adapted based on the screen size, the groups where the com.tecknobit.pandoro.localUser is a member
The horizontal list to display the items in row format, the owned groups by the com.tecknobit.pandoro.localUser