Package-level declarations
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fun GroupActions(viewModel: GroupManagerViewModel, projectsOnDismissAction: () -> Unit? = null, userCanAddProjects: Boolean = true, membersOnDismissAction: () -> Unit? = null, userCanAddMembers: Boolean = true)
The actions can be executed on a group such add members or share projects
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fun GroupExpandedList(state: SheetState, scope: CoroutineScope, project: Project? = null, groups: List<Group>)
Allow to display a groups list
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The logos of the groups where the project is shared
The logos list of the groups
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The members list of the group
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fun GroupsProjectCandidate(state: SheetState, scope: CoroutineScope, groups: List<Group>, trailingContent: @Composable (Group) -> Unit)
Candidates groups where a project can be shared
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The table to display and manage the members of the group