Package-level declarations


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fun OverviewCard(modifier: Modifier = Modifier, pieSize: Dp = 150.dp, pieStroke: Dp = 35.dp, title: StringResource, totalHeader: StringResource =, actionIcon: ImageVector = ReservedLine, action: () -> Unit? = null, overviewStats: OverviewStatsItem)

The card to display the overview data stats

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fun ProjectPerformanceCard(modifier: Modifier = Modifier, project: ProjectPerformanceStats, isTheBest: Boolean)

Card to display the performance of a project

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fun ProjectsStatsSheet(state: SheetState, scope: CoroutineScope, overview: Overview)

The ModalBottomSheet customized to represent the statistics about a project

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fun UpdateOverviewCard(modifier: Modifier = Modifier, overviewStats: OverviewFullStatsItem)

The card to display the overview data stats about an

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fun UpdatesStatsSheet(state: SheetState, scope: CoroutineScope, overview: Overview)

The ModalBottomSheet customized to represent the statistics about an update