
data class Group(val id: String, val name: String, val logo: String, val creationDate: Long, val author: PandoroUser, val description: String, val members: List<GroupMember>, val projects: List<Project> = emptyList())

The Group data class allow to represent a group data


N7ghtm4r3 - Tecknobit


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constructor(id: String, name: String, logo: String, creationDate: Long, author: PandoroUser, description: String, members: List<GroupMember>, projects: List<Project> = emptyList())


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The author of the group

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val creationDate: Long

The date when the group has been created

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val description: String

The description of the group

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val id: String

The identifier of the group

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The logo of the group

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val members: List<GroupMember>

The members list of the group

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The name of the group

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val projects: List<Project>

The projects list shared with the group


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Method to check whether the member can execute some actions based his/her role

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fun findMyRole(): <Error class: unknown class>

Method to find the role in the group of the localUser

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Method to check whether the localUser is a MAINTAINER of the group

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Method to check whether the localUser is a ADMIN of the group

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Method to check whether the localUser is the author of the group