Group Screen View Model
The GroupScreenViewModel provides the methods to display and operate on a item
N7ghtm4r3 - Tecknobit
The identifier of the group to display
See also
candidateMembersState -> the state used to manage the pagination for the loadCandidateMembers method
candidateProjects -> the list of the candidates projects to share in the group
groupMembers -> the list of the current members in the group
groupProjects -> the list of the current projects shared in the group
userProjects -> the list of the projects owned by the com.tecknobit.pandoro.localUser
Method to add new members to the group
Method to set the availability of the candidates member
Method to change the role of a member
Method to count the total amount of the candidates members
Method to delete a group
Method to edit the current projects (owned by the com.tecknobit.pandoro.localUser) shared with the group
Method to leave from the group
Method to manage a candidate project in the groupProjects and candidateProjects lists
Method to set the no-availability of the candidates member
Method to remove a member from the group
Method to retrieve the data of a Group
Method to retrieve the current projects owned by the com.tecknobit.pandoro.localUser