
The GroupScreenViewModel provides the methods to display and operate on a item


N7ghtm4r3 - Tecknobit



The identifier of the group to display

See also


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constructor(groupId: String)


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val candidateMembersState: PaginationState<Int, GroupMember>

candidateMembersState -> the state used to manage the pagination for the loadCandidateMembers method

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candidateProjects -> the list of the candidates projects to share in the group

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val group: StateFlow<Group?>
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groupMembers -> the list of the current members in the group

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groupProjects -> the list of the current projects shared in the group

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userProjects -> the list of the projects owned by the com.tecknobit.pandoro.localUser


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Method to add new members to the group

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Method to set the availability of the candidates member

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fun changeMemberRole(member: GroupMember, role: <Error class: unknown class>, onChange: () -> Unit)

Method to change the role of a member

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fun countCandidatesMember(membersEdited: Int = 0)

Method to count the total amount of the candidates members

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open fun deleteGroup(group: Group, onDelete: () -> Unit, onFailure: (JsonObject) -> Unit)

Method to delete a group

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Method to edit the current projects (owned by the com.tecknobit.pandoro.localUser) shared with the group

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Method to leave from the group

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Method to manage a candidate project in the groupProjects and candidateProjects lists

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Method to set the no-availability of the candidates member

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Method to remove a member from the group

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open override fun retrieveGroup()

Method to retrieve the data of a Group

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Method to retrieve the current projects owned by the com.tecknobit.pandoro.localUser