
data class Note(val id: String, val author: PandoroUser, val content: String, val creationDate: Long, val markedAsDone: Boolean = false, val markedAsDoneBy: PandoroUser? = null, val markAsDoneDate: Long = -1)

The Note data class allow to represent a note data


N7ghtm4r3 - Tecknobit


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constructor(id: String, author: PandoroUser, content: String, creationDate: Long, markedAsDone: Boolean = false, markedAsDoneBy: PandoroUser? = null, markAsDoneDate: Long = -1)


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The author of the note

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val content: String

The content of the note

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val creationDate: Long

The date when the note has been created

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val id: String

The identifier of the note

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val markAsDoneDate: Long

When the note has been completed

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val markedAsDone: Boolean = false

Whether the note has been completed

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val markedAsDoneBy: PandoroUser? = null

The user who completed the note


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Method to calculated the days interval used to complete the note