Package-level declarations


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actual fun allowsScreenSleep()

Method to allow the screen sleeps when finished reading the change notes of an update

expect fun allowsScreenSleep()

Method to allow the screen sleeps when finished reading the change notes of an update

actual fun allowsScreenSleep()

Method to allow the screen sleeps when finished reading the change notes of an update

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fun GroupProjectsCandidate(extraOnDismissAction: () -> Unit? = null, state: SheetState, scope: CoroutineScope, projects: List<Project>, trailingContent: @Composable (Project) -> Unit)

List of the candidate projects to share with the group

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fun ModalProjectStats(state: SheetState, scope: CoroutineScope, project: Project, publishedUpdates: List<ProjectUpdate>)

Custom ModalBottomSheet container to display the projects stats

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actual fun preventScreenSleep()

Method to prevent the screen sleeps when reading the change notes of an update

expect fun preventScreenSleep()

Method to prevent the screen sleeps when reading the change notes of an update

actual fun preventScreenSleep()

Method to prevent the screen sleeps when reading the change notes of an update

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fun ProjectIcons(modifier: Modifier = Modifier, group: Group)

The projects icons of the projects shared with the group

fun ProjectIcons(projects: List<Project>, onClick: () -> Unit)

The projects icons list

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fun ProjectsStats(project: Project, publishedUpdates: List<ProjectUpdate>)

Custom Column container to display the projects stats

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The timeline of the events occurred for the update shared with groups

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fun UpdateCard(modifier: Modifier = Modifier, viewModel: ProjectScreenViewModel, project: Project, update: ProjectUpdate, viewChangeNotesFlag: Boolean)

Custom Card to display the details about an update

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The timeline of the events occurred for the update