Issues Repository

interface IssuesRepository : JpaRepository<T, ID>

The IssuesRepository interface is useful to manage the queries for the issues operations


N7ghtm4r3 - Tecknobit

See also



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abstract fun <S : T?> count(example: Example<S>): Long
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abstract fun delete(entity: T)
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abstract fun deleteAll(entities: Iterable<out T>)
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abstract fun deleteAllById(ids: Iterable<out ID>)
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abstract fun deleteAllByIdInBatch(ids: Iterable<ID>)
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abstract fun deleteAllInBatch(entities: Iterable<T>)
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abstract fun deleteById(id: ID)
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open fun deleteInBatch(entities: Iterable<T>)
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abstract fun <S : T?> exists(example: Example<S>): Boolean
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abstract fun existsById(id: ID): Boolean
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abstract fun <S : T?> findAll(example: Example<S>): List<S>
abstract fun findAll(): Iterable<T>
abstract fun findAll(): List<T>
abstract fun findAll(pageable: Pageable): Page<T>
abstract fun <S : T?> findAll(example: Example<S>): Iterable<S>
abstract fun <S : T?> findAll(example: Example<S>, pageable: Pageable): Page<S>
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abstract fun findAllById(ids: Iterable<ID>): Iterable<T>
abstract fun findAllById(ids: Iterable<ID>): List<T>
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abstract fun <S : T?, R> findBy(example: Example<S>, queryFunction: (FluentQuery.FetchableFluentQuery<S>) -> R): R
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abstract fun findById(id: ID): Optional<T>
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abstract fun <S : T?> findOne(example: Example<S>): Optional<S>
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abstract fun flush()
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abstract fun getById(id: ID): T
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abstract fun getOne(id: ID): T
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abstract fun getReferenceById(id: ID): T
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abstract fun <S : T?> save(entity: S): S
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abstract fun <S : T?> saveAll(entities: Iterable<S>): Iterable<S>
abstract fun <S : T?> saveAll(entities: Iterable<S>): List<S>
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abstract fun <S : T?> saveAllAndFlush(entities: Iterable<S>): List<S>
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abstract fun <S : T?> saveAndFlush(entity: S): S
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@Modifying(clearAutomatically = true )
@Query(value = "INSERT INTO " + ISSUES_KEY + " (" + "dtype" + "," + IDENTIFIER_KEY + "," + CREATION_DATE_KEY + "," + NAME_KEY + "," + APP_VERSION_KEY + "," + PLATFORM_KEY + "," + ISSUE_KEY + "," + APPLICATION_IDENTIFIER_KEY + "," + DEVICE_IDENTIFIER_KEY + ") VALUES ('" + ISSUE_KEY + "'," + ":" + IDENTIFIER_KEY + "," + ":" + CREATION_DATE_KEY + "," + ":" + NAME_KEY + "," + ":" + APP_VERSION_KEY + "," + ":#{#" + PLATFORM_KEY + ".name()}" + "," + ":" + ISSUE_KEY + "," + ":" + APPLICATION_IDENTIFIER_KEY + "," + ":" + DEVICE_IDENTIFIER_KEY + ")", nativeQuery = true )
abstract fun storeIssue(    @Param(value = "id") id: String,     @Param(value = "") creationDate: Long,     @Param(value = "name") name: String,     @Param(value = "") appVersion: String,     @Param(value = "") platform: Platform,     @Param(value = "") issue: String,     @Param(value = "") applicationId: String,     @Param(value = "") deviceId: String)
Method to store a new issue
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@Modifying(clearAutomatically = true )
@Query(value = "INSERT INTO " + ISSUES_KEY + " (" + "dtype" + "," + IDENTIFIER_KEY + "," + CREATION_DATE_KEY + "," + NAME_KEY + "," + APP_VERSION_KEY + "," + PLATFORM_KEY + "," + ISSUE_KEY + "," + BROWSER_KEY + "," + BROWSER_VERSION_KEY + "," + APPLICATION_IDENTIFIER_KEY + "," + DEVICE_IDENTIFIER_KEY + ") VALUES ('" + WEB_ISSUE_KEY + "'," + ":" + IDENTIFIER_KEY + "," + ":" + CREATION_DATE_KEY + "," + ":" + NAME_KEY + "," + ":" + APP_VERSION_KEY + "," + ":#{#" + PLATFORM_KEY + ".name()}" + "," + ":" + ISSUE_KEY + "," + ":" + BROWSER_KEY + "," + ":" + BROWSER_VERSION_KEY + "," + ":" + APPLICATION_IDENTIFIER_KEY + "," + ":" + DEVICE_IDENTIFIER_KEY + ")", nativeQuery = true )
abstract fun storeWebIssue(    @Param(value = "id") id: String,     @Param(value = "") creationDate: Long,     @Param(value = "name") name: String,     @Param(value = "") appVersion: String,     @Param(value = "") platform: Platform,     @Param(value = "") issue: String,     @Param(value = "") browser: String,     @Param(value = "") browserVersion: String,     @Param(value = "") applicationId: String,     @Param(value = "") deviceId: String)
Method to store a new issue occurred on a browser