Ametista Device

open class AmetistaDevice : EquinoxItem

The AmetistaDevice class is useful to represent a device where the applications monitored by the Ametista Engine are running


N7ghtm4r3 - Tecknobit

See also



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Constructor to init the AmetistaDevice class
constructor(id: String, brand: String, model: String, os: String, osVersion: String)
Constructor to init the AmetistaDevice class
constructor(jDevice: JSONObject)
Constructor to init the AmetistaUser class


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brand the brand of the device
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val BRAND_KEY: String = "brand"
BRAND_KEY the key for the "brand" field
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val DEVICE_IDENTIFIER_KEY: String = "device_id"
DEVICE_IDENTIFIER_KEY the key for the "device_id" field
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val DEVICE_KEY: String = "device"
DEVICE_KEY the key for the "device" field
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val DEVICES_KEY: String = "devices"
DEVICES_KEY the key for the "devices" field
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protected val hItem: JsonHelper
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protected val id: String
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model the model of the device
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val MODEL_KEY: String = "model"
MODEL_KEY the key for the "model" field
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val os: String
os the operating system of the device
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val OS_KEY: String = "os"
OS_KEY the key for the "os" field
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val OS_VERSION_KEY: String = "os_version"
OS_VERSION_KEY the key for the "os_version" field
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osVersion the operating system version of the device
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protected val timeFormatter: TimeFormatter


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open fun getId(): String
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open fun toString(): String