Applications Controller

open class ApplicationsController : DefaultAmetistaController

The ApplicationsController class is useful to manage all the applications operations


N7ghtm4r3 - Tecknobit

See also



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private open var applicationsService: ApplicationsService
applicationsService helper to manage the applications database operations
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protected open var jsonHelper: JsonHelper
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protected val mantis: Mantis
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protected open var me: T
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open var resourcesProvider: ResourcesProvider
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val RESPONSE_SUCCESSFUL_MESSAGE: String = "operation_executed_successfully_key"
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protected open var serverProtector: ServerProtector
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protected open var usersRepository: R
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val WRONG_PROCEDURE_MESSAGE: String = "wrong_procedure_key"


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@PostMapping(headers = [] )
open fun addApplication(@PathVariable(value = "id") userId: String, @RequestHeader(value = "token") token: String, @ModelAttribute application: ApplicationsService.ApplicationPayload): String
Method to save and add in the system a new application
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@DeleteMapping(path = "{" + APPLICATION_IDENTIFIER_KEY + "}", headers = [] )
open fun deleteApplication(@PathVariable(value = "id") userId: String, @RequestHeader(value = "token") token: String, @PathVariable(value = "application_id") applicationId: String): String
Method to delete an existing application
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@PostMapping(path = "{" + APPLICATION_IDENTIFIER_KEY + "}", headers = [] )
open fun editApplication(@PathVariable(value = "id") userId: String, @RequestHeader(value = "token") token: String, @PathVariable(value = "application_id") applicationId: String, @ModelAttribute application: ApplicationsService.ApplicationPayload): String
Method to edit an existing application
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protected open fun failedResponse(error: String): String
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@GetMapping(path = "{" + APPLICATION_IDENTIFIER_KEY + "}", headers = [] )
open fun <T> getApplication(@PathVariable(value = "id") userId: String, @RequestHeader(value = "token") token: String, @PathVariable(value = "application_id") applicationId: String): T
Method to get an existing application
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@GetMapping(headers = [] )
open fun <T> getApplications(@PathVariable(value = "id") userId: String, @RequestHeader(value = "token") token: String, @RequestParam(name = "page", defaultValue = "0", required = false) page: Int, @RequestParam(name = "pageSize", defaultValue = "10", required = false) pageSize: Int, @RequestParam(name = "name", defaultValue = "", required = false) name: String, @RequestParam(name = "platforms", defaultValue = "", required = false) platforms: List<String>): T
Method to get the applications list registered in the system
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@GetMapping(path = ""{" + APPLICATION_IDENTIFIER_KEY + "}/" + ISSUES_KEY", headers = [] )
open fun <T> getIssues(@PathVariable(value = "id") userId: String, @RequestHeader(value = "token") token: String, @PathVariable(value = "application_id") applicationId: String, @RequestParam(name = "platform") platform: Platform, @RequestParam(name = "page", defaultValue = "0", required = false) page: Int, @RequestParam(name = "pageSize", defaultValue = "10", required = false) pageSize: Int, @RequestParam(name = "filters", defaultValue = "", required = false) filters: Set<String>): T
Method to get the issues related to an application
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@PostMapping(path = ""{" + APPLICATION_IDENTIFIER_KEY + "}/" + PERFORMANCES_KEY", headers = [] )
open fun <T> getPerformanceData(@PathVariable(value = "id") userId: String, @RequestHeader(value = "token") token: String, @PathVariable(value = "application_id") applicationId: String, @RequestParam(name = "platform") platform: Platform, @RequestBody payload: Map<String, Any>): T
Method to get the performance data of an application
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@GetMapping(path = ""{" + APPLICATION_IDENTIFIER_KEY + "}/" + VERSION_FILTERS_KEY", headers = [] )
open fun <T> getVersionSamples(@PathVariable(value = "id") userId: String, @RequestHeader(value = "token") token: String, @PathVariable(value = "application_id") applicationId: String, @RequestParam(name = "platform") platform: Platform, @RequestParam(name = "performance_analytic_type") analyticType: PerformanceAnalytic.PerformanceAnalyticType): T
Method to get all the available versions target for a specific analytic
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open fun initEquinoxEnvironment(storagePath: String, saveMessage: String, context: Class<out Any>, args: Array<String>, customSubDirectories: Array<String>)
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protected open fun isAdmin(userId: String, token: String): Boolean
Method to get whether the user who request to execute an action is a ADMIN
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protected open fun isMe(id: String, token: String): Boolean
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protected open fun isViewer(userId: String, token: String): Boolean
Method to get whether the user who request to execute an action is a VIEWER
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protected open fun <V> loadJsonHelper(payload: Map<String, V>)
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protected open fun successResponse(): String
protected open fun <V> successResponse(value: V): HashMap<String, V>
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private open fun userAllowedAndApplicationExists(userId: String, token: String, applicationId: String): Boolean
Method to check if the user is allowed to operate (him/she is an ADMIN) and the application exists
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Method to validate the payload used in the addApplication or editApplication operations
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private open fun validateUserAndFetchApplication(userId: String, token: String, applicationId: String): AmetistaApplication
Method to check if the user is allowed to operate (him/she is an ADMIN) and the application exists