Performance Data

open class PerformanceData

The PerformanceData class is a container to simplify the transfer and the parsing of the performance data by the server and the clients


N7ghtm4r3 - Tecknobit


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Constructor to init the PerformanceData class
constructor(    launchTime: PerformanceData.PerformanceDataItem,     networkRequests: PerformanceData.PerformanceDataItem,     totalIssues: PerformanceData.PerformanceDataItem,     issuesPerSession: PerformanceData.PerformanceDataItem)
Constructor to init the PerformanceAnalytic class


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The PerformanceDataItem class is a container of single performance data collected


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issuesPerSession the container of the issues per session collected
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launchTime the container of the launch time collected
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networkRequests the container of the network requests collected
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totalIssues the container of the total issues collected