Performance Data Filters

The PerformanceDataFilters class is used to filter the retrieving of the PerformanceData from the database


N7ghtm4r3 - Tecknobit


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Constructor to init the PerformanceDataFilters class
constructor(    launchTimeFilter: PerformanceDataFilters.PerformanceFilter,     networkRequestsFilter: PerformanceDataFilters.PerformanceFilter,     totalIssuesFilter: PerformanceDataFilters.PerformanceFilter,     issuesPerSessionFilter: PerformanceDataFilters.PerformanceFilter)
Constructor to init the PerformanceDataFilters class


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open class PerformanceFilter
The PerformanceFilter class is used to contain the filter details to use during the retrieving of the related data


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issuesPerSessionFilter used to filter the issues per session collected
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launchTime used to filter the launch time collected
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networkRequestsFilter used to filter the network requests collected
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totalIssuesFilter used to filter the total issues collected


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open fun getFilter(analyticType: PerformanceAnalyticType): PerformanceDataFilters.PerformanceFilter
Method to get dynamically the filter value based on the analytic type
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open fun setFilter(analyticType: PerformanceAnalyticType, filter: PerformanceDataFilters.PerformanceFilter)
Method to set dynamically the filter value based on the analytic type