ADD_MEMBERS_DIALOG -> route to navigate to the AddMembersScreen as dialog
ADD_MEMBERS_SCREEN -> route to navigate to the AddMembersScreen
AUTH_SCREEN -> route to navigate to the AuthScreen
JOIN_PROJECT_DIALOG -> route to navigate to the JoinProjectScreen as dialog
JOIN_PROJECT_SCREEN -> route to navigate to the JoinProjectScreen
PROFILE_DIALOG -> route to navigate to the ProfileScreen as dialog
PROFILE_SCREEN -> route to navigate to the ProfileScreen
PROJECT_SCREEN -> route to navigate to the ProjectScreen
ProjectsScreen -> route to navigate to the ProjectsScreen
RELEASE_SCREEN -> route to navigate to the ReleaseScreen
snackbarHostState -> the host to launch the snackbar messages
SPLASH_SCREEN -> route to navigate to the Splashscreen
WORK_ON_PROJECT_DIALOG -> route to navigate to the WorkOnProjectScreenDialog
WORK_ON_PROJECT_SCREEN -> route to navigate to the WorkOnProjectScreen