Package-level declarations


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class ProjectScreen(projectId: String) : NovaScreen

The ProjectScreen class is used to retrieve and display the data of a project

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class ProjectScreenViewModel(snackbarHostState: SnackbarHostState)

The ProjectScreenViewModel class is the support class used by the ProjectScreen to execute the requests to refresh and work on a project


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expect fun addMembers(project: <Error class: unknown class>)

Function to navigate to the section where the user can add member to a project

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fun ReleaseItem(fillMaxHeight: Boolean = false, project: <Error class: unknown class>, release: <Error class: unknown class>, onEdit: (<Error class: unknown class>) -> Unit)

Component to display the details about a release

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expect fun Releases(paddingValues: PaddingValues, project: <Error class: unknown class>, onEdit: (<Error class: unknown class>) -> Unit)

Component to display and arrange correctly from each platform the releases in the UI