The ReleaseScreenViewModel class is the support class used by the ReleaseScreen to execute the requests to refresh and work on a release
N7ghtm4r3 - Tecknobit
: the host to launch the snackbar messages
See also
assetsToUpload -> the assets selected for the download
closeAction -> action to invoke when the dialog to approve or reject the assets has been closed
commentAsset -> whether the assets has been commented
isApproved -> whether the assets has been approved
reasons -> the reasons of a rejection of the assets
reasonsError -> whether the reasons field is not valid
rejectedTagDescription -> the description for a rejection tag
rejectedTagDescriptionError -> whether the rejectedTagDescription field is not valid
rejectedTags -> the rejection tags selected
requestedToDownload -> whether the user requested to download the test assets
requestedToUpload -> whether the user requested to upload new assets
uploadingAssetsComment -> the comment about the assets that have to be uploaded
uploadingAssetsCommentError -> whether the uploadingAssetsComment field is not valid
uploadingStatus -> status about the uploading
waitingAssetsManagement -> whether the requestedToUpload or requestedToDownload have been triggered
Function to execute the request to comment assets uploaded in an event
Function to execute the request to create a report for the current _release
Function to execute the request to delete the current _release
Function to download the test assets
Function to execute the request to fill a ReleaseTag of a release rejection
Function to refresh the _release
Function to execute the promote the current relase
Function to reset the instance used during the downloadTestAssets phase
Function to reset the instance used during the uploadAssets phase
Function to upload new asset for a _release