The AuthScreenViewModel class is the support class used by the AuthScreen to execute the authentication requests
N7ghtm4r3 - Tecknobit
: the host to launch the snackbar messages
See also
email -> the email of the user
emailError -> whether the email field is not valid
host -> the value of the host to reach
hostError -> whether the host field is not valid
isCustomerAuth -> whether the auth request is to execute a customer authentication
isSignUp -> whether the auth request to execute is sign up or sign in
name -> the name of the user
nameError -> whether the name field is not valid
password -> the password of the user
passwordError -> whether the password field is not valid
serverSecret -> the value of the server secret
serverSecretError -> whether the serverSecret field is not valid
surname -> the surname of the user
surnameError -> whether the surname field is not valid