The CreateCustomLinkViewModel class is the support class used by CreateCustomLinkActivity to communicate with the backend for the creation or the editing of a CustomRefyLink
N7ghtm4r3 - Tecknobit
: the host to launch the snackbar messages
See also
expiredTime -> the expiration time chosen for the custom link
fieldsSupportList -> the support list for the fields used to manage the UI's workflow
itemDedicatedList -> a dedicated list of the item, useful to manage for example links, collections or members list attached to the item
itemDescription -> the description of the item
itemDescriptionError -> whether the itemDescription field is not valid
resourcesSupportList -> the support list for the resources used to manage the UI's workflow
Function to add an item to the support list, this process to keep refreshed the item (so when the user typing the characters sequence of the key for example), remove the current one and replace at the same index the new item
Function to add a new resource to a support list
Function to initializing the existingItem if exists, null otherwise
Wrapper function to execute the request to create or edit an item
Function to remove an item from a support list