Package-level declarations


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The LinksCollectionUtilities interface is useful to manage the LinksCollection giving some common utilities that appear in different part of the application

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interface RefyLinkUtilities<T : RefyLink>

The RefyLinkUtilities interface is useful to manage the RefyLink giving some common utilities that appear in different part of the application

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interface TeamsUtilities

The TeamsUtilities interface is useful to manage the Team giving some common utilities that appear in different part of the application


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fun AddItemToContainer(show: MutableState<Boolean>, viewModel: EquinoxViewModel, icon: ImageVector, availableItems: List<RefyItem>, title: StringResource, confirmAction: (List<String>) -> Unit)

Function to execute the action to add links to a teams

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fun DefaultPlaque(colors: ListItemColors = ListItemDefaults.colors(), profilePicSize: Dp = 50.dp, profilePic: String, completeName: String, tagName: String, supportingContent: @Composable () -> Unit? = null, trailingContent: @Composable () -> Unit? = null)

Function to create an RefyUser details plaque

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fun DeleteItemButton(show: MutableState<Boolean>, deleteAction: @Composable () -> Unit, tint: Color = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.error)

Function to create a button to delete an item

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fun Modifier.drawOneSideBorder(width: Dp, color: Color, shape: Shape = RectangleShape): Modifier

Function to draw just one side of a component such Card

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fun ExpandTeamMembers(viewModel: EquinoxViewModel, show: MutableState<Boolean>, teams: List<Team>)

Function to create a ModalBottomSheet to display the teams where an item is shared

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fun <T : RefyItem> getItemRelations(userList: List<T>, currentAttachments: List<T>): List<T>

Function to get a list of items that not already belongs to a container such LinksCollection or Team, so exclude them from the owned by the user

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fun <T : RefyItem> isItemOwner(item: T): Boolean

Function to get whether the current localUser is the owner of the specified item

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fun ItemDescription(modifier: Modifier = Modifier .heightIn( max = 120.dp ), description: String?, fontSize: TextUnit = 16.sp)

Function to display the description of an item

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fun LineDivider()

Function to create a custom HorizontalDivider

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fun Logo(modifier: Modifier = Modifier, picSize: Dp = 50.dp, addShadow: Boolean = false, onClick: () -> Unit? = null, shape: Shape = CircleShape, picUrl: String)

Function to create and display a logo

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fun OptionButton(icon: ImageVector, visible: () -> Boolean = { true }, show: MutableState<Boolean>, optionAction: @Composable () -> Unit, tint: Color = LocalContentColor.current)

Function to create an option button to execute any actions

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fun OptionsBar(options: @Composable RowScope.() -> Unit)

Function to create an options bar for the cards of the RefyItem

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fun TeamMemberPlaque(team: Team, member: Team.RefyTeamMember, viewModel: TeamScreenViewModel)

Function to create an Team.RefyTeamMember details plaque

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fun UserPlaque(colors: ListItemColors = ListItemDefaults.colors(), profilePicSize: Dp = 50.dp, user: RefyUser, supportingContent: @Composable () -> Unit? = null, trailingContent: @Composable () -> Unit? = null)

Function to create an RefyUser details plaque