Collector Helper

open class CollectorHelper : ApplicationsHelper

The CollectorHelper class is useful to collect all the issues and analytics data sent by the Ametista Engine


N7ghtm4r3 - Tecknobit

See also



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private val _IN_CLAUSE_: String = " IN "
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val _VALUES_: String = " VALUES "
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val _WHERE_: String = " WHERE "
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APPLICATION_ICONS_FOLDER the folder where the icons pics will be saved
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protected open var applicationsRepository: ApplicationsRepository
applicationsRepository instance for the application repository
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val COMMA: String = ","
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DEFAULT_PLATFORMS_FILTER the default value of the platforms filter
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private open var devicesRepository: DevicesRepository
devicesRepository instance for the device repository
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protected open var entityManager: EntityManager
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EXCEPTION_NAME_PATTERN the pattern to validate the exception names values
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private val EXCEPTION_NAME_REGEX: String = "\b(\w+Exception)\b"
EXCEPTION_NAME_REGEX regex to validate the exception name
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private open var issuesRepository: IssuesRepository
issuesRepository instance for the issues repository
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protected open var performanceRepository: PerformanceRepository
performanceRepository instance for the performance repository
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val PROFILES_DIRECTORY: String = "profiles"
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val RESOURCES_KEY: String = "resources"
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val RESOURCES_PATH: String = "resources/"
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val SINGLE_QUOTE: String = "'"
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private val timeFormatter: TimeFormatter
timeFormatter helps to format the temporal value with the specific "dd/MM/yyyy" pattern


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open fun applicationExists(applicationId: String): Boolean
Method to get whether the application is present in the database
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protected open fun batchDelete(table: String, values: List<List<out Any>>, columns: Array<String>)
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protected open fun batchInsert(command: EquinoxItemsHelper.InsertCommand, table: String, values: List<out Any>, batchQuery: EquinoxItemsHelper.BatchQuery, columns: Array<String>)
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private open fun calculateAnalyticValue(analytic: PerformanceAnalytic, value: Double, currentDate: Long)
Method to calculate and store the value of an analytic
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open fun collectAnalytic(applicationId: String, appVersion: String, platform: Platform, type: PerformanceAnalytic.PerformanceAnalyticType, hPayload: JsonHelper)
Method to collect an analytic for an application and its platform version
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open fun collectIssue(applicationId: String, appVersion: String, platform: Platform, hPayload: JsonHelper)
Method to collect a new issue occurred in the application
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open fun connectPlatform(applicationId: String, platform: Platform)
Method to connect a new platform for the application
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open fun createAppIcon(icon: MultipartFile, applicationId: String): String
Method to create the pathname for an icon pic
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open fun createProfileResource(resource: MultipartFile, resourceId: String): String
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open fun createResource(resource: MultipartFile, resourcesDirectory: String, resourceId: String): String
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open fun deleteAppIcon(applicationId: String): Boolean
Method to delete an icon pic
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open fun deleteApplication(applicationId: String)
Method to delete an existing application
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open fun deleteResource(resourcesDirectory: String, resourceId: String): Boolean
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Method to edit an existing application
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Method to get whether the application is present in the database
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open fun getApplications(page: Int, pageSize: Int, name: String, platforms: List<String>): PaginatedResponse<AmetistaApplication>
Method to get the applications list registered in the system
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private open fun getCurrentDate(): Long
Method to get the current date formatted with the timeFormatter
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private open fun getIssueName(issue: String): String
Method to get with the EXCEPTION_NAME_PATTERN the name of the issue
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open fun <T : IssueAnalytic?> getIssues(application: AmetistaApplication, page: Int, pageSize: Int, platform: Platform, filters: Set<String>): PaginatedResponse<T>
Method to get the issues related to an application
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open fun getPerformanceData(applicationId: String, platform: Platform, filters: JsonHelper): PerformanceData
Method to get the performance data of an application
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open fun getSuffixResource(resource: MultipartFile): String
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open fun getVersionSamples(applicationId: String, platform: Platform, analyticType: PerformanceAnalytic.PerformanceAnalyticType): List<String>
Method to get all the available versions target for a specific analytic
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private open fun incrementAnalyticValue(analytic: PerformanceAnalytic, incrementValue: Int, currentDate: Long)
Method to increment and store the value of an analytic
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private open fun manageIssuesPerSessionAnalytic(applicationId: String, appVersion: String, platform: Platform)
Method to calculate the ISSUES_PER_SESSION rate and save it
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Method to save and add in the system a new application
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private open fun saveDevice(hDevice: JsonHelper): String
Method to save a new device in the system if not already exists
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open fun saveResource(resource: MultipartFile, path: String)
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private open fun storeAnalytic(applicationId: String, appVersion: String, platform: Platform, type: PerformanceAnalytic.PerformanceAnalyticType, value: Double)
Method to store an analytic for an application and its platform version
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private open fun storeLaunchTime(applicationId: String, appVersion: String, platform: Platform, hPayload: JsonHelper)
Method to collect a LAUNCH_TIME analytic
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protected open fun <V> syncBatch(container: EquinoxItemsHelper.SyncBatchContainer, table: String, targetId: String, updatedData: List<V>, batchQuery: EquinoxItemsHelper.BatchQuery)
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private open fun updateAnalytic(updatesRefreshed: Int, updatedValue: Double, analytic: PerformanceAnalytic, currentDate: Long)
Method to update and then store the updated analytic