Performance Analytic

open class PerformanceAnalytic : AmetistaAnalytic

The PerformanceAnalytic class is useful to represent an Ametista's performance analytic


N7ghtm4r3 - Tecknobit

See also


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Constructor to init the PerformanceAnalytic class
constructor(id: String, creationDate: Long, appVersion: String, value: Double, platform: Platform, performanceAnalyticType: PerformanceAnalytic.PerformanceAnalyticType, dataUpdates: Int)
Constructor to init the PerformanceAnalytic class
constructor(jPerformance: JSONObject)
Constructor to init the PerformanceAnalytic class


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The performance analytics available


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val ANALYTIC_IDENTIFIER_KEY: String = "analytic_id"
ANALYTIC_IDENTIFIER_KEY the key for the "analytic_id" field
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val ANALYTIC_KEY: String = "analytic"
ANALYTIC_KEY the key for the "analytic" field
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ANALYTIC_TYPE_KEY the key for the "type" field
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val APP_VERSION_KEY: String = "app_version"
APP_VERSION_KEY the key for the "app_version" field
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application the application where the analytic is attached
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protected val appVersion: String
appVersion the application version where the analytic is attached
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val CREATION_DATE_KEY: String = "creation_date"
CREATION_DATE_KEY the key for the "creation_date" field
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protected val creationDate: Long
creationDate the timestamp when the item has been created
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val DATA_UPDATES_KEY: String = "data_updates"
DATA_UPDATES_KEY the key for the "data_updates" field
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dataUpdates the number of the updates computed for the analytic
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val FILTERS_KEY: String = "filters"
FILTERS_KEY the key for the "filters" field
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val FINAL_DATE_KEY: String = "final_date"
FINAL_DATE_KEY the key for the "final_date" field
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protected val hItem: JsonHelper
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protected val id: String
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val INITIAL_DATE_KEY: String = "initial_date"
INITIAL_DATE_KEY the key for the "initial_date" field
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val LAUNCH_TIME_KEY: String = "launch_time"
LAUNCH_TIME_KEY the key for the "launch_time" field
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protected open var name: String
name the name of the item
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val PERFORMANCE_ANALYTIC_TYPE_KEY: String = "performance_analytic_type"
PERFORMANCE_ANALYTIC_TYPE_KEY the key for the "performance_analytic_type" field
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val PERFORMANCE_ANALYTICS_KEY: String = "performance_analytics"
PERFORMANCE_ANALYTICS_KEY the key for the "performance_analytics" field
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PERFORMANCE_VALUE_KEY the key for the "value" field
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performanceAnalyticType the type of the performance analytic
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val PERFORMANCES_KEY: String = "performance"
PERFORMANCES_KEY the key for the "performance" field
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protected val platform: Platform
icon the platform target of the application where the analytic is attached
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val PLATFORM_KEY: String = "platform"
PLATFORM_KEY the key for the "platform" field
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protected val timeFormatter: TimeFormatter
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type the type of the analytic
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value the value related to the analytic


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open fun getAppVersion(): String
Method to get appVersion instance
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open fun getCreationDate(): String
Method to get creationDate instance
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Method to get creationDate instance
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open fun getId(): String
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open fun getName(): String
Method to get name instance
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open fun getPlatform(): Platform
Method to get platform instance
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open fun toString(): String