Ametista Engine

The AmetistaEngine class is the core component of the Ametista system. It collects performance data and tracks issues to send to your backend instance for analysis


N7ghtm4r3 - Tecknobit


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private constructor(platform: EngineConfiguration.Platform)


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object Companion


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private lateinit var applicationId: String

applicationId -> the identifier of the current application managed by the Engine

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private var appVersion: String?

appVersion -> the current application version managed by the Engine

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configurationLoaded -> whether the configuration has been loaded correctly

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private val configurationMutex: Mutex

configurationMutex -> the mutex used to wait the configuration loaded before execute any operation

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private var debugMode: Boolean

debugMode -> whether the Engine must send the requests but the server must not collect as real, this is the use-case of a not-production environment

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private val deviceInfo: DeviceInfo

deviceInfo -> the current device information

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private lateinit var host: String

host -> the host address where send the stats and performance data collected

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private val ktorClient: HttpClient

ktorClient -> the HTTP client used to send the stats and the performance data

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private var loggingEnabled: Boolean

loggingEnabled -> whether the logging is enabled

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private val requestsMutex: Mutex

requestsMutex -> the mutex used to synchronize the requests to avoid the interleaving between each request

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private lateinit var serverSecret: String

serverSecret -> the server secret value used as authentication method to validate the requests of the Engine


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Method to check the validity of the configuration loaded

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Method to connect the platform where the application is currently running.

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Method to execute an action after the configuration has been loaded. The configurationMutex synchronize the access locking it waiting the configuration loading

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private suspend fun execRequest(response: HttpResponse)

Method to execute the request

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fun fireUp(configData: ByteArray, loggingEnabled: Boolean = false, debugMode: Boolean)
fun fireUp(configPath: String, loggingEnabled: Boolean = false, debugMode: Boolean)

Method to initialize the Engine with the configuration data and the flags available

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private fun formatHostForAndroid()

Method to format the host value in the correct localhost value address for the Android emulators with the ANDROID_LOCALHOST_VALUE

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private fun getAppVersion(configuration: EngineConfiguration): String?

Method to get from the engine configuration the application version, this method check first if the version is specific for the current platform where the application is running, if not found will be used the generic one

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Method to check whether the configuration is correctly loaded

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private fun isValidHost(): Boolean

Method to check whether the host value is correctly formatted

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private fun loadConfiguration(configData: ByteArray)

Method to load the configuration serializing the data in the EngineConfiguration data class and initializing the host, serverSecret, applicationId and appVersion instances

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private fun notifyAppLaunch()

Method to notify the application launch and send the related value to the server.

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fun notifyIssue(issue: String)

Method to send the crash report of an issue occurred during the runtime of the application

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Method to request the count of a network request sent by the application

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private fun sendRequest(method: HttpMethod, endpoint: String = "", parameters: Map<String, Any> = emptyMap(), payload: JsonObject? = null)

Method to send a request

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private fun setLogging(enabled: Boolean)

Method to set the logging

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Method to throw an error if the configuration is not valid, if the error is related to the appVersion will be instead used a specific message