Package-level declarations


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UNCAUGHT_PROMISE_EXCEPTION_TYPE -> constant "unhandledrejection" value


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actual fun catchIssue()

Method to catch an issue occurred during the runtime of the application.

expect fun catchIssue()

Method to catch an issue occurred during the runtime of the application.

actual fun catchIssue()

Method to catch an issue occurred during the runtime of the application.

actual fun catchIssue()

Method to catch an issue occurred during the runtime of the application.

actual fun catchIssue()

Method to catch an issue occurred during the runtime of the application.

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Method to get the current platform where the com.tecknobit.ametistaengine.AmetistaEngine is running

Method to get the current platform where the com.tecknobit.ametistaengine.AmetistaEngine is running

Method to get the current platform where the com.tecknobit.ametistaengine.AmetistaEngine is running

Method to get the current platform where the com.tecknobit.ametistaengine.AmetistaEngine is running

Method to get the current platform where the com.tecknobit.ametistaengine.AmetistaEngine is running

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private fun exceptionHandler(exception: NSException?)

Method to send the related report to the collector server

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Method to send locally storage issue previously saved

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private fun storeIssueLocally(issue: Throwable)

Method to store an issue occurred locally and then sent to the collector server