Package-level declarations
The WebDeviceInfo class represents the information about the current browser (and related device) where the application is running
ANDROID_10 -> "Android 10" Android operating system name
APPLE_BRAND -> constant "apple" value
CUSTOM_BUILD -> constant "Custom Build" value
GINGERBREAD -> "Gingerbread" Android operating system name
ICE_CREAM_SANDWICH -> "Ice cream Sandwich" Android operating system name
JELLY_BEAN -> "Jellybean" Android operating system name
MARSHMALLOW -> "Marshmallow" Android operating system name
RED_VELVET_CAKE -> "Red Velvet Cake" Android operating system name
TO_BE_FILLED_BY_O_E_M -> constant "To Be Filled By O.E.M." value
UPSIDE_DOWN_CAKE -> "Upside down cake" Android operating system name
Method to get the specific version name of the Android operating system
Method to provide the current device information
Method to provide the current device information
Method to provide the current device information
Method to provide the current device information
Method to provide the current device information