Request Path

@Target(allowedTargets = [AnnotationTarget.FUNCTION] )
annotation class RequestPath(val method: RequestMethod, val path: String = "", val pathParameters: String = "", val queryParameters: String = "", val bodyParameters: String = "")

Annotation that defines the request path and its parameters for API requests.

The @RequestPath annotation is used to make the request path, path parameters, query parameters, and body parameters more readable and easier to manage in API request methods. It supports multiple types of parameters including path, query, and body parameters, helping to organize the API request construction in a more structured and understandable way.


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The body parameters of the request formatted as key_parameter_one, key_parameter_two

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The HTTP method for the request

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val path: String

The base URL or path of the request endpoint

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A comma-separated list of path parameter names for dynamic segments in the URL

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A list of query parameters for the request, formatted as key_parameter_one, key_parameter_two