Filtered Query

abstract class FilteredQuery<T>

The FilteredQuery<T> class is an abstract helper designed to facilitate the dynamic creation and execution of filtered queries using JPA Criteria API. It is structured to simplify filtering, querying, and pagination of entities from a database while allowing custom predicates to be added dynamically by subclasses


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Type of the entities to retrieve


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constructor(entityType: Class<T>, entityManager: EntityManager, rawFilters: Set<String>)
Constructor to init the FilteredQuery


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protected val criteriaBuilder: CriteriaBuilder
criteriaBuilder the builder to add the criteria to filter the query
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protected val entityManager: EntityManager
entityManager manage the entities
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protected val predicates: ArrayList<Predicate>
predicates the list of predicates to apply to the query
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protected val query: CriteriaQuery<T>
query the criteria prepared query to execute
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rawFilters the filters all together in raw format
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protected val root: Root<T>
root the root table


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protected open fun extractFiltersByPattern(pattern: Pattern): HashSet<String>
Method to extract from the rawFilters the specific set of filters
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protected abstract fun fillPredicates()
Wrapper method to fill all the predicates dynamically
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open fun getEntities(): List<T>
Method to get the entities executing the query
open fun getEntities(pageable: Pageable): List<T>
Method to get the paginated entities executing the query
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private open fun prepareQuery()
Method to prepare the query adding the predicates