Ametista Member

open class AmetistaMember : EquinoxItem

The AmetistaUser class is useful to represent a base Ametista's system user


N7ghtm4r3 - Tecknobit

See also



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constructor(id: String, profilePic: String, name: String, surname: String, email: String, role: AmetistaUser.Role)
Constructor to init the AmetistaMember class
constructor(jMember: JSONObject)
Constructor to init the AmetistaMember class


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email the email of the user
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protected val hItem: JsonHelper
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protected val id: String
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val MEMBER_IDENTIFIER_KEY: String = "member_id"
MEMBER_IDENTIFIER_KEY the key for the "member_id" field
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val name: String
name the name of the user
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profilePic the profile picture of the user
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role the role of the user
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surname the surname of the user
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protected val timeFormatter: TimeFormatter


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open fun getCompleteName(): String
Method to get the complete name of the user No-any params required
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open fun getId(): String
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open fun toString(): String