Performance Data Item

The PerformanceDataItem class is a container of single performance data collected


N7ghtm4r3 - Tecknobit


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Constructor to init the PerformanceDataItem class
constructor(versions: List<String>, analytics: List<PerformanceAnalytic>, analyticType: PerformanceAnalytic.PerformanceAnalyticType, customFiltered: Boolean)
Constructor to init the PerformanceDataItem class
constructor(data: Map<String, List<PerformanceAnalytic>>, analyticType: PerformanceAnalytic.PerformanceAnalyticType, customFiltered: Boolean)
Constructor to init the PerformanceDataItem class
constructor(jItem: JSONObject)
Constructor to init the PerformanceDataItem class


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analyticType the type of the analytic collected
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private val customFiltered: Boolean
customFiltered whether the collected data have been filtered with custom filters
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data the collected data
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val IS_CUSTOM_FILTERED_KEY: String = "is_custom_filtered"
IS_CUSTOM_FILTERED_KEY the key for the "is_custom_filtered" field
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val MAX_TEMPORAL_RANGE: Long = 7776000000
MAX_TEMPORAL_RANGE the maximum temporal range allowed for the data retrieving (about 3 months)


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Method to group the analytics by their version
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Method to get the final date of the temporal range of each list present in the data
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Method to get the initial date of the temporal range of each list present in the data
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Method to get customFiltered instance
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private open fun loadData(jData: JSONObject): Map<String, List<PerformanceAnalytic>>
Method to load from the json the data collected
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Method to check if there are no data available in the data instance
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Method to get keys of the data instance
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open fun toString(): String