fetch VList
Method to get from JSONObject a list of values automatically
list of values as ArrayList of T, if it is not exist will return null
: key for value to fetch
Method to get from JSONObject a list of values automatically
list of values as ArrayList of T, if it is not exist will return null
: key for value to fetch
: default value to return if not found what searched
Method to get from JSONObject a list of values automatically
list of values as ArrayList of T, if it is not exist will return null
: JSONObject from fetch list
: key for value to fetch
Method to get from JSONObject a list of values automatically
list of values as ArrayList of T, if it is not exist will return null
: JSONObject from fetch list
: key for value to fetch
: default value to return if not found what searched
Method to get from JSONObject a list of values automatically
list of values as ArrayList of T, if it is not exist will return null
: key for value to fetch
: list key for value to fetch
Method to get from JSONObject a list of values automatically
list of values as ArrayList of T, if it is not exist will return null
: key for value to fetch
: list key for value to fetch
: default value to return if not found what searched
Method to get from JSONObject a list of values automatically
list of values as ArrayList of T, if it is not exist will return null
: JSONObject from fetch list
: key for value to fetch
: list key for value to fetch
Method to get from JSONObject a list of values automatically
list of values as ArrayList of T, if it is not exist will return null
: JSONObject from fetch list
: key for value to fetch
: list key for value to fetch
: default value to return if not found what searched