Package-level declarations


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open class JsonHelper
The JsonHelper class is a useful tool class to works with "JSON" data format
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The ScientificNotationParser class is a useful tool class to get a numeric value without scientific notation

          // without use ScientificNotationParser
             double number = 0.0000092221111228;
             System.out.println(number); // --> 9.2221111228E-6

          // using ScientificNotationParser
             double number = 0.0000092221111228;
             // --> 0.0000092221111228
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open class TimeFormatter
The TimeFormatter class is a useful tool class to format in different ways the "time"

        // Get an instance of the TimeFormatter
        TimeFormatter timeFormatter = TimeFormatter.getInstance();

        // Change the values of the formatter
        timeFormatter.changeFormatter("new_pattern", new_locale);

        // or pass pattern as argument in all methods to change only in that formatting
        String stringDate = timeFormatter.formatNowAsString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"); // --> 2024/04/14 13:46:30

        // string format
        String stringDate = timeFormatter.formatAsString(time_in_millis); // --> 2024/04/14 13:46:30

        // long format
        System.out.println(timeFormatter.formatAsTimestamp("string_date")); // --> 1670261677000

        // date format
        // with string as argument
        System.out.println(timeFormatter.formatAsDate("string_date")); // --> Sun Apr 14 13:46:30 CET 2024

        // with long as argument
        System.out.println(timeFormatter.formatAsDate(time_in_millis); // --> Sun Apr 14 13:46:30 CET 2024