
open class RefyUser : EquinoxUser

The RefyUser class is useful to represent a Refy's system user


N7ghtm4r3 - Tecknobit

See also



Link copied to clipboard
Constructor to init the RefyUser class No-any params required
constructor(id: String, token: String, name: String, surname: String, email: String, password: String, language: String, tagName: String, links: List<RefyLink>, teams: List<Team>, collections: List<LinksCollection>, customLinks: List<CustomRefyLink>)
Constructor to init the RefyUser class
constructor(id: String, name: String, surname: String, email: String, profilePic: String, tagName: String)
Constructor to init the RefyUser class
constructor(id: String, token: String, name: String, surname: String, email: String, password: String, profilePic: String, language: String, theme: EquinoxUser.ApplicationTheme, tagName: String, links: List<RefyLink>, teams: List<Team>, collections: List<LinksCollection>, customLinks: List<CustomRefyLink>)
Constructor to init the RefyUser class
constructor(jRefyUser: JSONObject)
Constructor to init the RefyUser class


Link copied to clipboard
collections the collections of the user
Link copied to clipboard
val CUSTOM_LINKS_KEY: String = "custom_links"
CUSTOM_LINKS_KEY the key for the "custom_links" field
Link copied to clipboard
customLinks the custom links of the user
Link copied to clipboard
val DEFAULT_PROFILE_PIC: String = "profiles/defProfilePic.png"
Link copied to clipboard
Link copied to clipboard
protected val email: String
Link copied to clipboard
val EMAIL_KEY: String = "email"
Link copied to clipboard
protected val hItem: JsonHelper
Link copied to clipboard
protected val id: String
Link copied to clipboard
Link copied to clipboard
protected val language: String
Link copied to clipboard
val LANGUAGE_KEY: String = "language"
Link copied to clipboard
open var links: List<RefyLink>
links the links of the user
Link copied to clipboard
val LINKS_KEY: String = "links"
LINKS_KEY the key for the "links" field
Link copied to clipboard
private open var member: List<Team.RefyTeamMember>
member the member of teams relationship
Link copied to clipboard
protected val name: String
Link copied to clipboard
val NAME_KEY: String = "name"
Link copied to clipboard
protected val password: String
Link copied to clipboard
val PASSWORD_KEY: String = "password"
Link copied to clipboard
val PROFILE_PIC_KEY: String = "profile_pic"
Link copied to clipboard
protected val profilePic: String
Link copied to clipboard
protected val surname: String
Link copied to clipboard
val SURNAME_KEY: String = "surname"
Link copied to clipboard
val TAG_NAME_KEY: String = "tag_name"
TAG_NAME_KEY the key for the "tag_name" field
Link copied to clipboard
tagName the tag name of the user
Link copied to clipboard
open var teams: List<Team>
teams the teams where the user is a member
Link copied to clipboard
val TEAMS_KEY: String = "teams"
TEAMS_KEY the key for the "teams" field
Link copied to clipboard
protected val theme: EquinoxUser.ApplicationTheme
Link copied to clipboard
val THEME_KEY: String = "theme"
Link copied to clipboard
protected val timeFormatter: TimeFormatter
Link copied to clipboard
protected val token: String
Link copied to clipboard
val TOKEN_KEY: String = "token"
Link copied to clipboard
val USER_IDENTIFIER_KEY: String = "user_id"
USER_IDENTIFIER_KEY the key for the "user_id" field
Link copied to clipboard
val USERS_KEY: String = "users"


Link copied to clipboard
Link copied to clipboard
open fun getEmail(): String
Link copied to clipboard
open fun getId(): String
Link copied to clipboard
open fun getInstance(jUser: JSONObject): EquinoxUser

open fun getInstance(jUser: JSONObject): RefyUser
Method to assemble and return a EquinoxUser instance
Link copied to clipboard
open fun getLanguage(): String
Link copied to clipboard
open fun getName(): String
Link copied to clipboard
open fun getPassword(): String
Link copied to clipboard
open fun getProfilePic(): String
Link copied to clipboard
open fun getSurname(): String
Link copied to clipboard
open fun getTheme(): EquinoxUser.ApplicationTheme
Link copied to clipboard
open fun getToken(): String
Link copied to clipboard
Link copied to clipboard
open fun toString(): String