The RefyRequester class is useful to communicate with Refy's backend
N7ghtm4r3 - Tecknobit
: the host address where is running the backend
: the user identifier
: the user token
Function to assemble the endpoint to make the request to the collections controller
Function to assemble the endpoint to make the request to the custom controllers
Function to assemble the endpoint to make the request to the custom links controller
Function to assemble the endpoint to make the request to the links controller
Function to assemble the endpoint to make the request to the teams controller
Function to execute the request to change the role of a member
Function to execute the request to create a new link
Function to create a payload for the link creation/edit actions
Function to assemble the query to manage the owned only query
Function to execute the request to delete a collection
Function to execute the request to delete a custom link
Function to execute the request to delete a link
Function to execute the request to delete a team
Function to execute the request to edit a collection
Function to execute the request to edit a custom link
Function to execute the request to get a collection
Function to execute the request to get the collections of the user
Function to execute the request to get a custom link
Function to execute the request to get the custom links of the user
Function to execute the request to get the potential members to add in a team
Function to execute the request to manage the links shared with the collection
Function to execute the request to manage the teams where the collection is shared
Function to execute the request to manage the collections where the link is shared
Function to execute the request to manage the teams where the link is shared
Function to execute the request to manage the collections shared with the team
Function to execute the request to manage the links shared with the team
Function to execute the request to remove a member from the team
Function to execute the request to sign up in the Refy's system